CTR pick the high way

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

25 Acts of kindness

holding the elevator

1. walk neighbor's dog
2. clean dishes for my parents
3. help old people
4. donating books that i don't use
5. donate money to charity
6. give food to the homeless
7. sharing an umbrella with a stranger
8. give old clothes to homeless or people who need it.
9. giving a big tip in a restaurant
10. pay someone's dinner
11.offer a hitchhiker a ride
12. let someone in front of you in a long line that is elder the car behind you the toll booth
14. hold a door for someone
15. walk dogs from the shelter
16. volunteer in a school
17. volunteer in a children hospital
18.give up your seat in a bus
19. give money to the homeless
20.doing chores for someone else
21.clean the house
22. help classmates on homework
23. support child abuse
24. be friend to a special need kid
25. Don't bully a handicap person

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